Prevention is the best medicine. Prepare your employees for risky situations that may occur at any workplace.

If your employees conduct a specific work activity, they must have a license confirming their professional competency under the law. We’d be happy to provide this service for the specified professions.

We prioritise our contract clients for capacity reasons.

With new-hire employees, employers must conduct introductory occupational health and safety (OHS) and fire protection training.

We conduct OHS training both in-person and through online e-learning, which is appreciated in cases where fluctuation rates are high.

We’ll flexibly adapt to the time available to you but recommend that you agree on a date at least 3 days in advance. We conduct both introductory and periodic training.

All our courses and training activities are conducted based on valid licenses issued by the National Labour Inspectorate of the Slovak Republic.

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§ 7 of Act No. 124/2006 Coll.

Notifying and informing employees

(1) Employers are required to regularly and demonstrably inform every employee in a comprehensive manner

a) as to legislation and other regulations concerning the assurance of OHS, 10) with the principles of occupational health and safety, with the principles of safe conduct at the workplace and with safe work procedures and to verify their knowledge,

b) as to existing and foreseeable hazards and threats with impacts that may cause injury and with protective measures against them,

c) as to the prohibition on entry into spaces, remaining in spaces and conducting activities that could pose an immediate health or safety risk to employees.

(2) Employers are obliged to demonstrably inform employees in a comprehensive manner with a list of their work and workplaces pursuant to § 6 (1)(m).

(3) Employers are obliged to notify employees in accordance with Subsections 1 and 2 when they are hired, reassigned to a different workplace or a different position, or transferred to different work, and when new technology, a new work procedure or new work resources are deployed.

(4) Employers shall notify employees in person or using in-house employees, or using natural persons or legal entities authorised to conduct education and training activities for OHS pursuant to § 27 (3) (“authorised instructor”). The notification of in-house employees by the employer directly or via other in-house employees is exempt from § 27 (4) to (17).

(5) The contents and method of notification and the regularity of repeated notification shall be adapted to the nature of the work performed by the employee, their workplace and other circumstances concerning the performance of such work, especially work resources, work procedures or new and changing threats and hazards. Employers shall stipulate the method of notification in an internal regulation and define the requirements for professional competency for in-house employees who conduct notification under Subsections 1 and 2 and the regularity of repeated notification to ensure it is performed at least once every two years, unless the legislation concerning occupational health and safety assurance define a shorter period.

(6) Notification and other educational activities, including practical instruction and training concerning occupational health and safety for employees and employee representatives for occupational health and safety (“employee representatives for safety”) must complete such activities during business hours.

(7) Notification has no prejudice against the requirement to complete professional training and refresher professional training pursuant to § 16.

(8) Employers shall provide employee and employee representatives, including employee representatives for safety, with the necessary information in a suitable method and in a comprehensive manner concerning

a) hazards and threats that may occur during and in connection with their work and the results of a risk assessment,

b) precautions and safeguards taken by the employer to assure occupational health and safety and that apply in general to employees and the work they perform at individual workplaces,

c) measures and procedures to be taken in the event of injury, including providing first aid and measures and the procedures to respond to fire, rescue work and evacuation,

d) precautions and safeguards proposed and ordered by the competent labour inspectorate 11) or supervisory authorities, 12)

e) accidents at work, occupational disease and other injuries resulting from work activities occurring at the employer’s premises, including the results of any investigation into their causes and measures adopted and implemented in response.

(9) Employers shall provide the required information under Subsection 8, specifically regarding factors that influence or may affect the health and safety of employees, and defined by a professionally competent employee (“professional employee”) to implement preventative and protective services that are outsourced to a vendor (§ 21).

Complete text of the cited law

What courses and training activities do we offer?

  • Course for work at heights – notification of personnel conducting work at heights and over open depths pursuant to § § 3 (1) of Decree No. 147/2013 Coll.
  • Training for scaffolding technicians
  • Course for construction equipment operators
  • Course for forklift operators – pursuant to STN ISO 3691 + Amd 1 (26 8811)
  • Training for hoist equipment operators
  • Course for gas equipment operators
  • Course for pressure equipment operators
  • Boiler operator course
  • Training for drivers of company cars and professional drivers
  • Course for electricians and electrical technicians pursuant to §§ 20, § 21, § 22, and § 23 pursuant to Decree of Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic No. 508/2009 Coll.
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